Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Following Directions

Therefore we must pay much closer attention to what we have heard, lest we drift away from it.  Hebrews 2:1

I was in quite the predicament.  What on earth was I going to do?  My son had worked so hard, he studied all week for his test on Friday.  His answers, informationally, were all correct.  If I accept them he would get an A+.  There was only one problem, he didn't follow the directions.  He had circled the correct answers and not written them on the blank like he was instructed.  So what was more important?  Did it matter that he had not followed directions as long as he knew the information?

After much prayer and deliberation with my husband, we decided to let our son have a say.  He was very responsible about it.  He decided he shouldn't get an A if he didn't do the work right.  That sort of maturity out of him shocked us.  (Not to say he's not a good kid, he's just kind of silly a lot.)  So together, the three of us, we decided to just lower his grade one letter.  He was happy with his B+ and we knew he understand that he needed to follow directions. 

If only not following directions in grown up life was remedied so easily.  This action usually has much more serious consequences.  I suppose the first instance of this was Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.  They failed to follow one very important God given instruction.  They just skipped over that commandment.  Doesn't that sound familiar?  Don't we do that today when a commandment doesn't quite fit our lifestyle?  When following might just be a little too hard?  We want to change God's way to our way.  What grade do we get on the test if God's commandments are the instructions?

Does my life reflect God's divine instructions?  Are we ever tempted to skip over the ones we really don't like?  Here is one that tests me:  "Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord." (Ephesians 5:22)  I am tempted to ask: Are you sure about that Lord?  Even when he's really wrong?  I know God isn't giving me this instruction to make my life more difficult.  He gives me directions because He loves me and wants to see me live a Christian life.  Jesus Christ died and rose again for me, for you.  In response to this I am driven by a bigger force than my temptation to question His commands.  I driven to a day when I can hear my Lord say, "Well done, good and faithful servant." (Matthew 5:21)  We all deserve an E on the test but because of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ we will receive an A+.

A student of Christ,
Lutheran Chick

Monday, June 6, 2011


For we brought nothing into the world, and we cannot take anything out of the world.  1 Timothy 6:7

Since we have moved to St. Louis my family has had to get used to all kinds of crazy new weather.  (And it hasn't helped that the area has been setting all kinds of extreme records since we have been here.)  The first time the tornado sirens went off the kids thought I was a little crazy hustling them down into the basement.  Now that they have seen the destruction these storms cause they too head straight for the basement when that siren goes off. 

When we turn on the news and see the devastation these storms cause it is easy to see the seriousness of the situation.  The windows with the broken glass, the trees with no leaves, and piles of debris where there used to be a house.  Seeing those houses makes us hold each other and thank God that we are ok.  You see, my family and I, we've been there.  No a storm didn't take our house but a fire did.  It took our house, our things, 3 of the greatest pets...it took our home.  So we understand what those people standing on the sidewalks starring at what is left feel like. 

That awful day when out home was taken we learned a lot about ourselves. We learned that as a family we can make it through anything. We also learned a lot about the people around us.  We learned that our community, our family, our friends...they all held us up when we thought we couldn't go on.  As long as we had each other and our faith in God we could move forward. 

I know that each day I took my home for granted.  I know I complained about this thing or that thing.  I know I thought this part was ugly and I thought we'd never come to an end of fixing this problem or that.  And now a year and a half later I know I take for granted my new home.  I always have to remember that the abode in which we are dwelling is a blessing from God.  It doesn't matter if it's a dream home or a hotel room.  God is there with me and my family keeping us safe and together. 

So today I say thank you God, for all the comforts of my home.  Thank you for the wonderful man who is renting it to us.  Please be with the people who have lost their homes...help them to see You and Your plans for tomorrow. 
In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Lutheran Chick

Friday, May 6, 2011


Sping has sprung!!!  The sunshine is wonderful!  I can't believe we have lived in St. Louis through all the seasons now.  Time sure does fly when your having fun.  I love to wake up with the sun shining on my face.  Although Tim gets all the direct rays so he gets them alot earlier than I do. 
Call Day was Tuesday.  The services were really nice.  The whole chapel filled with people singing is marvelous.  Everyone was really excited about their calls.  Tim and I were just a little sad to see some good friends moving on.  But we got over that and are excited to see people headed out into the mission field.  I teased Tim that we should start our count down...365...364.  Just kidding.  That would drive me insane.  Maybe after Christmas we could start that. 
Here are some pictures I took around the sem on call day: